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در این کتاب نویسنده که خود از مربیان رسمی و دارای بالاترین مدرک مربیگری یوفا می باشد، با مشاهده تمرینات و الگوهای بازی این کتاب را تالیف نموده است
قیمت اصلی کتاب در سایت خارجی حدود 270 هزار تومان می شود
قیمت برای شما با تخفیف 70 هزار تومان است
لطفا مبلغ را به شماره کارت زیر واریز نمایید به نام سعید رنجبر واریز نمایید. توجه داشته باشید خرید شما تنها در زمانی قطعی است که پس از واریز، عکس فیش واریزی را از طریق واتس آپ به شماره 09193631098 ارسال نمایید.
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Every tactic and practice suggested in this book has been fully tried and tested at professional academy level. Furthermore, all the likely problems and challenges you may face when implementing this philosophy are described and specific solutions are then explained in an easy to follow format. This distinguishes this book from other coaching books and makes it an invaluable resource for coaches. It’s vital to have a philosophy, but it’s equally vital to know how to turn that philosophy into reality!
We present a commitment to “playing out” from the keeper and advancing with good possession using coordinated movement patterns through the 4 phases of play (Build Up, Consolidation, Incision and Finishing phases) including 40 tactical game situations and 66 practices.
There are detailed chapters to outline the 4 phases of play and additional chapters for Supplementary Technical Training and Set Pieces.
40 Game Situations analysed including:
66 practices including: